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Talento Sénior 2020

Mestrelab has been awarded by the Galician government with a grant to hire Senior Talent for R&D activities. In particular, the new employee will conduct R&D to introduce new software products to the market, based on the knowledge transfer from university and research centres, and targetting innovative processes in chemistry, biotechnology and drug development.

The work is aligned with Challenge 2: The future industrial model of Galicia, within Priority 2.3. Boosting IT as a driving sector of the Knowledge economy, helping consolidate innovation in companies and the creation of qualified employment.

  • Programme: Talento Sénior 2020
  • Reference: 19_IN858A_2020_997565
  • Objective: To hire a highly qualified professional to carry out R&D activities.
  • Duration: 2020-2022




Persoal cofinanciado pola Xunta de Galicia ao abeiro da Resolución da Axencia Galega de Innovación do 31 de decembro de 2019 (Programa Talento Sénior).