The U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) and Mestrelab Research, S.L. (Mestrelab), are pleased to announce they have entered into a collaboration to deliver USP-ID, through Mestrelab’s Mnova platform.
Automating the processing of analytical data for multiple drug discovery applications.
Join us for an insightful session where scientists and IT professionals from AstraZeneca come together to explore the complexities of managing analytical data within a purification lab setting.
We are excited to introduce our Mnova Purification Suite, meticulously crafted to offer flexible, modular solutions that address the critical aspects of chromatographic purification. Our suite comprises three modules, each tailored to cater to distinct purification needs:
In this insightful exchange, we are privileged to have John, a distinguished expert with over 40 years of experience in the scientific and informatics domains, particularly within the pharmaceutical industry.
John’s extensive background in analytical chemistry, ranging from NMR and chromatography to chemical structure representation…
Spectroscopic techniques, particularly NMR, frequently encounter the challenge of overlapping peaks. Thus, the need to enhance the resolution of such spectra has been the subject of extensive research for decades
In the world of spectral data, the struggle to access and manage diverse datasets across various platforms is real. That’s why we’ve developed Mnova Hub, a unified data browser designed to connect Mnova seamlessly to various data providers. Mnova Hub empowers you to retrieve, modify, and store data effortlessly from within Mnova, without the need to download and/or open each dataset individually.
Play FID is a new tool included within the latest version of Mnova 15.0.1. The purpose of Play FID is to provide an auditory representation of NMR data, enhancing the interpretation and understanding of NMR spectra.
We are excited to introduce Mnova 15.0.1, a minor release that brings not only bug fixes but also introduces new features and products. This update includes the development and implementation of innovative tools such as ElPulpo, a new NMR resolution enhancement algorithm, and Play FID, which enables users to audibly experience NMR data.