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J-filter: An experiment to simplify and isolate specific signals in 1H NMR spectra of complex mixtures based on scalar coupling constants

One-dimensional selective NMR experiments relying on a J-filter element are proposed to isolate specific signals in crowded 1H spectral regions. The J-filter allows the edition or filtering of signals in a region of interest of the spectrum by exploiting the specific values of their 1H-1H coupling constants and certain parameters of protons coupled to them that appear in less congested parts of the spectrum (chemical shifts and coupling constants).

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Evaluating Chromatographic Methods: Scoring Criteria and Considerations

The screening and selection of the best chromatographic methods play a pivotal role in the synthetic chemistry pipeline as it allows the obtention of high-purity materials for downstream uses. In this application note, we delve into the essential factors and consideration involved in evaluating chromatographic methods through a scoring approach.


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Reaction optimization AppNote

Reactions, reactions, reactions – data automation to the rescue

Reaction optimization is crucial for achieving efficient syntheses of final products or intermediates. While different approaches can reduce the number of trial reactions, effectively handling and analyzing LCMS data to quantify components remains a significant challenge…

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What’s new in Mbook 3.1.1

We've released Mbook 3.1.1, which brings a set of improvements. We have fine-tuned the user experience by addressing typical issues and adding a few enhancements. So, get ready to enjoy a smoother and more refined software experience with this latest update.
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What’s new in Mnova 14.3.3

We’re introducing Mnova 14.3.3, a recent release that brings a touch of freshness to the table. Just a couple of months after our previous version, this […]
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Advances in Processing and Analysis of Hyphenated MS Experiments | Webinar

Gavin Shear (Mestrelab) describes expert tools to the desktop user, with game changing enhancements in peak picking, spectral display, and spectral substraction using Mnova MSChrom.

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No Automation is an Island – Integrating Mgears into your IT infrastructure

No automation exists in a vacuum. Inputs and outputs to the process (or rather the ease with which these connections can be achieved) can make or break the overall automation. There is no point having a wonderful automation processing 10,000 samples if all the results then need to be transcribed manually into a corporate database!

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Leveraging the power of automated analysis: let your ideas flow

Experts working with chemistry – from small molecules right up to macromolecules and from pure compounds through to complex mixtures – know that the analytical data acquired by the instruments is empty and meaningless without analysis and interpretation.

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Automation for everyone

Agreeing in principle that there are benefits to data automation is one thing, yet in practice, changing standard processes to implement such automations can be a much more complicated decision to make, especially when lacking the internal expertise to take care of such changes.

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