Title: Automatic Structure Verification (ASV) as an AI wizard: the milestones met and the challenges looming ahead Authors: Carlos Cobas, Felipe Seoane, Stanyslav Sykora Date: 2013/04/19 […]
As explained in previous articles, a verification system relies on several elements which can be summarized or grouped into: Elements which are responsible for processing and […]
Most analytical chemists working in Drug Discovery intuitively know that ASIC/ASV (Automatic Structure Integrity Confirmation / Automatic Structure Verification, see previous articles in the series) makes […]
As a software development company focused on processing and analysis of analytical data from different instruments, the idea of ASIC/ASV is inherently attractive. It is an […]
Mnova Verify is an Mnova plugin, that is fully integrated into the standard Mnova architecture, and that benefits from interaction with all other plugins.
Title: Recent Advances in ASV: from Math to NMR Authors: Carlos Cobas, Stanislav Sýkora, Felipe Seoane Date: 2010/04/18 Reference: ENC 2010, Daytona Beach (Florida), USA, April […]