Mnova MSChrom applications | Webinar

Mnova MSChrom applications  |  Webinar



“Advances in Processing and Analysis of Hyphenated MS Experiments”

Gavin Shear (Mestrelab) will describe expert tools to the desktop user, with game changing enhancements in peak picking, spectral display, and spectral substraction using Mnova MSChrom.


Gavin Shear (Mestrelab)


Tuesday, May 30


 11.30am (EDT), 5.30pm (CEST)



Mnova MSChrom is a vendor agnostic desktop application for review, processing, analysis, and interrogation of LC/MS data.


Mnova MSChrom brings expert tools to the desktop user, with game changing enhancements in peak picking, spectral display, and spectral subtraction.

What to expect

  • Introduction of the new ‘enhanced peak picking’ algorithm
  • Instantly display the information you want to see, how you want to see it – MS Navigator
  • Subtract the background or any signal from your LC/MS experiment
  • Search and compare MS database hits
  • Automate meta-analysis, databasing, reporting with Mnova Gears

Key points

  • Updated functionality – Mnova MSChrom is a competitive desktop application for LC/MS
  • Extensibility – Mestrelab Research provides scripting, API and automation for heterogeneous and high throughput laboratories
  • Continuous improvement – committed to developing the capabilities that you desire

Who should attend?

Those using hyphenated MS techniques, especially LC/MS with a need to review, process and analyze data away from the instrument.

About the speaker

Gavin Shear

Business Development Manager – Mestrelab

Gavin brings over 20 years of experience in the software industry, including previous work with SCIEX as a Mass Spectrometry test lead, also as senior applications scientist for a major cheminformatics company.

Read more about Gavin