SMASH 2024

SMASH 2024


Sep/15/2024 - Sep/18/2024

Mestrelab is excited to announce our attendance at the Small Molecule NMR Conference (SMASH) once again as Elite sponsors in Burlington, VT, USA from September 15-18, 2024! Come visit our Suite to learn more about our software solutions for NMR data analysis, management and workflow automation. Our user-friendly software is perfect for both academic and industry users, and our team will be on hand to provide expert advice and support.

Stay tuned to book your flights accordingly so you don’t miss out on our in-person Mestrelab Users’ Meeting on Sunday afternoon!


Conference Sept 15-18

Mestrelab’s User Meeting Sept 15,  1pm to 4pm (in-person only)


pre-SMASH Mestrelab Users’ Meeting

13:00 – 13:30  |  Welcome and what’s new at Mestrelab
Farrel Borden
13:30 – 13:40  |   USP-ID Kristie Adams
13:40 – 14:00  |  Customer’s talk External speaker 
14:00 – 14:20  |  Introducing LOGS Adrienne Lemieux
14:20 – 14:40  |  Break with coffee and chatting   
14:40 – 15:00  | Customer’s talk
External speaker
15:00 – 15:15  |  PlayFID – Making Music With Mnova
Gavin Shear  
15:15 – 15:30  |  TBD
15:30 – 16:00  | Ten Things You Didn’t Know You Could So In Mnova Mark Dixon

Mestrelab offers a range of software benefits for NMR experts:

Mnova offers a suite of software tools specifically designed for NMR experts. Some of the key features and capabilities of Mnova include:

  1. Data processing and analysis: Mnova can read, process and analyze NMR data from a wide range of spectrometers and vendors.To help NMR experts extract the most meaningful information from their data, Mnova offers a variety of advanced processing and analysis tools including automatic peak picking, multiplet analysis, chemometrics, spectral stacking by class, and 2D processing.
  2. Structure elucidation: Mnova offers a comprehensive suite of tools for structure elucidation, including automatic and interactive tools for assigning peaks, generating and ranking structure proposals, and validating structures using a range of experimental data.
  3. Prediction and simulation: Mnova contains powerful tools for predicting and simulating NMR spectra for a wide range of molecules. These capabilities can help NMR experts to compare experimental and simulated spectra to gain a deeper understanding of the structure and properties of their molecules.
  4. Automation and workflow: Mnova offers unique automation capabilities that allow NMR experts to create custom workflows to streamline data processing and analysis. Automation reduces the chance of human error in routine, repetitive tasks, providing faster, more reliable results and reporting, while freeing NMR experts to focus on science!

Mnova’s comprehensive capabilities allow NMR experts to process, analyze, and interpret their data efficiently, effectively, and reliably

Please contact us to discuss your NMR needs with one of our experts or to run a trial on our automation suite Mnova Gears!