Join our staff at Mestrelab’s virtual booth!
Proud to be the Elite Sponsor for the upcoming virtual SMASH NMR conference!
Join us at our virtual booth and find out more about Mestrelab’s latest developments in chemistry software solutions.
Read more about SMASH 2021
August 30 – September 2, 2021
Virtual Conference (fully online)
Mestrelab’s range of software benefits:
- Covers small molecule researches, but also includes some biomolecules
- Thick or thin client and on various OS
- Stepwise manual or in full automated analysis
- Storage using various databasing system under our proprietary environment or in a standardized way
In addition to our traditional NMR chats and presenting the latest Mnova software tools, feel free to discuss with our staff some of the following software solutions:
ELN – We fully integrate laboratory analytics (NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UVIR, etc.) with the ELN, bringing lab analytics into the ELN workflow, saving time for the chemist and avoiding the purchase and use of a number of additional software applications
Data Quantity/Integrity
Automatic analysis of laboratory analytical data (NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UVIR) to establish quality, integrity, identity and properties
Data retrieval/Search
Capabilities for text, structure, substructure, similar structure search as well as NMR features, LCMS and GCMS features and UVIR features, all integrated into a single environment
Data standardization
Processing and standardisation of lab analytical data (NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UVIR) ready for its storage in Data Lakes and other archiving environments
Data Integration
Automatic processing and analysis of laboratory analytical data (NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UVIR, etc.) integrating via automation into the workflow of the laboratory
Lab Automation
Automation of processing, analysis and reporting of lab analytical data (NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UVIR, etc.) and integration into laboratory workflow
Data Visualization & Reporting
We provide a single application for processing, analysis, visualisation and reporting of NMR, LCMS, GCMS, UVIR data, with extensive automation of analysis and of decision making based on analysis results.
Mestrelab is presenting the following posters:
“The benefits of Mnova Web-based Interface” Introducing Mnova Web: the full Mnova experience inside your favorite web browser! OS-agnostic, browser-agnostic, device-agnostic, Mnova Web allows the chemist to upload raw data to the cloud for processing, analysis, and reporting in a native Mnova UI environment. NMR, LC/MS, and ElViS data are all supported. Click on the poster’s title to view it.
Persoal cofinanciado pola Xunta de Galicia ao abeiro da Resolución da Axencia Galega de Innovación do 1 de marzo de 2021 (Programa Principia)
“The Mbook ELNs Family for Synthetic and Analytical Chemistry” Mestrelab’s ELN, Mbook, is in its third generation, and now offers multiple levels of subscription. The new ‘Mbook Enterprise’ incorporates an analytical request system alongside Mbook’s Chemistry ELN capabilities and a Stockroom & Compound Database management interface. Click on the poster’s title to view it.
Persoal cofinanciado pola Xunta de Galicia ao abeiro da Resolución da Axencia Galega de Innovación do 31 de decembro de 2019 (Programa Talento Sénior)
Persoal cofinanciado pola Xunta de Galicia ao abeiro da Resolución da Axencia Galega de Innovación do 29 de maio de 2019 (Programa Talento Sénior)
“Enterprise Solution for Anaytical Request-To-Results Workflows” Introducing Mdrive: A software solution specially conceived for chemists and biochemists to manage entire analytical workflows from requests to results. It includes well-recognized and widely-used Mestrelab Mnova software for data processing, analysis, and automation in a web-based environment to configure laboratory instrumentation and manage analysis requests directly from your ELN. Click on the poster’s title to view it.
Project title: “Laboratorio Dixital do Futuro (FutureLab)”
“Promover o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico, a innovación e unha investigación de calidade”. The project is funded by the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN), through the Programa Industrias do Futuro 4.0 and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It also has the support of the Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria.
Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional (FEDER)
Programa Operativo FEDER Galicia 2014-2020
“Unha maneira de facer Europa”
“Mnova Gears – Automate your data analysis workflows “ Mnova Gears: Automate your analytical data analysis. Gears is a modular and flexible software suite that can build automation workflows for your analytical data. It can filter analytical data files, process raw data, run one or more analyses, generate reports, and save them in pre-defined locations. Mnova Gears is built around the concept of plugins, called “bricks”, that execute specific tasks in fully automatic mode. Click on the poster’s title to view it.
Persoal cofinanciado pola Xunta de Galicia ao abeiro da Resolución da Axencia Galega de Innovación do 1 de marzo de 2021 (Programa Principia)
“Mnova Gears applications: Solutions for automating your NMR/MS data processing and analysis” Mnova Gears bricks: In this poster we showcase a number of the bricks available. Take a look at the breadth of analytical possibilities. If you don’t see what you need, then a ‘Custom Brick’ can be quickly constructed using Mnova scripting. Bricks can be concatenated for complex workflows. Click on the poster’s title to view it.