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DB Installer

Yes, using the PowerUser role. Currently users can (must) assume one of four roles:

  • The Administrator can do everything, including creating new databases.
  • The PowerUser can add or modify the data within a database.
  • The NormalUser can just ‘read’ the contents (searching or displaying data).
  • The “NoPermission” role does not allow to execute any command except login.

We would like our department to use a single database and restrict individuals from creating their own. Is this possible?

Yes, using the PowerUser role. Currently users can (must) assume one of four roles: The Administrator can do everything, including creating new databases. The PowerUser can add […]
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How do people typically store LC/MS data for compound plates? Our LC/MS 96-well plate experiments are around 1GB, but I noticed a 180MB per file limit.

Our recommendation wrt to large binary data files is to store the files on a shared network location and store a pointer to the data location […]
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Can you provide us with the Oracle install scripts?

There are no Oracle-specific installation scripts – please follow the installation instructions in the MnDb manual. All the installer does is unpack the needed files to the […]
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Should we be concerned about performance issues?

There was no mesurable performance loss when we run our tests but Mnova includes a set of database import scripts, so anybody can just create a […]
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What is the largest number of data records we ever tried, and what the performance was like then?

The largest we ever tried were dbs with ~500,000 Molecules and ~8000 Spectra. There was no measurable performance loss compared to an empty db.
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Is the installation a complicated procedure?

Installation of the server was simplified Since version 7.1.2 and is available for ‘non-techie’ users with a ‘One Click Installer’. Please have a look at the […]
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