Would you like us to do some automatic optimization of a particular physico-chemical property?
You just need to Contact us If you have data of a property you are interested in.
Then we can include it and build a model for you.
Validated and quantitative structure-property prediction with Mnova PhysChem
This plugin exploited the combination of Mestrelab’s large user base and track record of developing highly popular and widely adopted scientific software tools and of Origenis’ know how and excellence in drug design to predict structural properties.
Download Mnova for a 45-Day Free Trial on Mnova PhysChem
A new proprietary fragmentation method and statistical validation to derive explanatory and predictive QSPR models.
Obtain a wide range of physic-chemical property predictions for your studies all within your Mnova application.
Includes model building capabilities! If you have data of a particular property you are interested in, we can build a model for you.
Clear warning messages when the prediction is outside of the predictive model.
Display the atom by atom contribution for each of the properties in a simple manner.