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Food & Beverage

Quality, purity, consistency, and authenticity are crucial factors in the food and beverage industry. From R&D to production and regulatory processes, chemical analysis is at the heart of ensuring that products deliver the expected nutrients, are free from contaminants, have the correct flavor and texture, and remain fresh. Food scientists and quality control laboratories may depend on a range of techniques, including Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS, GC-MS, etc.), and electronic and vibrational spectroscopy (UV-Vis, IR, and Raman), often relying on instruments from multiple vendors with different processing and analysis tools, complicating data interpretation.

Mnova makes analysis easy, with its intuitive, easy-to-use interface. Moreover, Mnova accepts data across major instrument vendor platforms, providing smooth integration of all your results into one processing and analysis platform. With Mnova, you can even combine data from different techniques, such as NMR and LC-MS, into a single, powerful analysis. In addition, Mnova allows the automation of repetitive tasks, reducing variability while increasing speed and consistency.

Below are applications that address various activities Pharma Discovery chemists use when working with their analytical data. Mnova provides time-efficient and user-friendly solutions to the challenges faced with multiple techniques or batches of related data, e.g. from well plates.

Structure Verification

Every chemical reaction in the lab has an expected product. The chemist wants to know as quickly as possible, and with a large degree of confidence, that the analytical data they collect on open-access instrumentation can verify that the product is what they thought they made. Mnova provides easy-to-use tools for both NMR & LC/MS, which work synergistically if both spectra are present in the same document

Structure Verification

Every chemical reaction in the lab has an expected product. The chemist wants to know as quickly as possible, and with a large degree of confidence, that the analytical data they collect on open-access instrumentation can verify that the product is what they thought they made. Mnova provides easy-to-use tools for both NMR & LC/MS, which work synergistically if both spectra are present in the same document

Structure Verification

Every chemical reaction in the lab has an expected product. The chemist wants to know as quickly as possible, and with a large degree of confidence, that the analytical data they collect on open-access instrumentation can verify that the product is what they thought they made. Mnova provides easy-to-use tools for both NMR & LC/MS, which work synergistically if both spectra are present in the same document

Structure Verification

Every chemical reaction in the lab has an expected product. The chemist wants to know as quickly as possible, and with a large degree of confidence, that the analytical data they collect on open-access instrumentation can verify that the product is what they thought they made. Mnova provides easy-to-use tools for both NMR & LC/MS, which work synergistically if both spectra are present in the same document