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And more in the pipeline

Mnova Gears has been developed, and will continue to evolve, in response to the needs of our customers. As a result, the family of Mnova Gears bricks keeps on growing to cover new applications and support the latest trends in the R&D and manufacturing industries, including high-throughput techniques and real-time production and quality control.

If you don’t find what you are looking for in our Gears bricks portfolio, press the contact button below and let’s connect! We’re always happy to hear about your own workflows and needs, and will do our best to assist you in your specific data automation processes.

And more in the pipeline

LC/GC-MS applications

Intuitive 5-Step workflow!

  • INPUTSelect & group data
  • PROCESSINGCustom processing
  • ANALYSISApply bricks
  • REPORTINGFormat report
  • OUTPUTSave results