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Mixture Analysis

Mixtures Analysis analytical application

Streamlined targeted and untargeted mixture analyses

Mnova’s powerful software is designed for in-depth chemical mixture analysis, supporting applications in Pharma/Biotech, Consumer Health, Polymers, and Food & Beverage. By integrating advanced NMR and LC/GC-MS functionalities, Mnova streamlines the entire mixture analysis process, from data acquisition to comprehensive reporting. This enables scientists to gain valuable insights into complex mixtures, driving more informed decisions in their research.

Learn more about how Mnova simplifies mixture analysis.

Mixture Analysis

What can Mnova do for your mixtures analysis?

Mnova’s Capabilities in NMR Mixture Analysis: Targeted and Untargeted, Identification to Quantification

Targeted Analysis, Simplified

This interactive tool provides a robust solution for targeted quantification in mixtures analysis. It specializes in setting parameters for expected components and uses integral ranges as the foundation for detailed measurements, refining specificity in complex spectral regions. Mnova SMA enhances the analysis process by directly calculating relational values from measured data, eliminating the need for manual spreadsheet tasks. With the capability to handle dense spectral regions and customizable reporting, it offers a versatile and comprehensive analytical solution within the suite of available tools.

Pattern Recognition Analysis

Incorporated into an advanced automation engine, this analytical solution excels in matching patterns against a reference library, identifying and quantifying compounds in complex mixtures. Designed to tackle overlapping signals and large sample volumes, it provides rapid, customizable reports. Mnova SMA ensures precise NMR data analysis that is both accurate and user-friendly, delivering results with just a click.


Database Searching and Matching

This stand-alone application seamlessly integrates with 1D and 2D NMR data, as well as MS, LC/GC-MS, UV, and IR data enhancing mixture analysis by using peaks and multiplets to match test spectra to database records.

These spectral properties are meticulously decomposed and stored across multiple databases, available both locally and remotely. DB Search assigns scores to each record, allowing for in-depth database interrogation or extraction into a document for detailed visual comparison with the test spectra.


Contrast & Compare NMR Methods For Mixture Analysis

Each technique to analyze mixtures in Mnova has an inherent advantage over the others, dependent on the application in focus:

  • Mnova DB is suitable where the number of components is large. The database of reference spectra can be pure compounds or even mixtures themselves, which leaves open a number of ways to create a query about the test spectrum.
  • MANIQ uses a pattern-matching approach to identify, and optionally quantify, components of a mixture based on a reference library of NMR spectra.
  • SMA offers an extra layer of numerical manipulation to take an analysis much further than simple peaks positions or integral areas.

Real-Life Examples