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Process, analyze and report your LC/GC-MS data from your different instruments

Mnova MSChrom provides a common interface for different vendor data and automates all functionality such as data importing and display, integration, background subtraction, display of extracted mass chromatograms, molecule match, enumeration of molecular formulae, etc.

Download Mnova for a 45-Day Free Trial of Mnova MSChrom



Common interface to visualize and analyze your data from different vendors.

Make your analytical results searchable using Mnova DB.

Predict the isotope clusters of a molecular formula with various adducts/losses and compare with observed mass spectrum.

Process and report MS data on your computer, improves the efficiency and save time for more complex problems.

Improve your efficiency by automating and customizing the analysis and reporting in batch mode or in real-time using Mnova scripts.

Verify proposed structures by automatically matching molecular ion and isotope peaks, and potentially the MS/MS fragmentation peaks.

Automate all functionality such as data importing and display, integration, background subtraction, display of extracted mass chromatograms, molecule match, enumeration of molecular formula, etc.

Calculate MS peak purity. The Mnova MS peak purity shows the curves associated to the most abundant mass peaks under the selected chromatogram peak.



New MCR mode for Peak Purity Assessment in MSChrom

MCR mode for Peak Purity Assessment

New in Mnova 15.1

Peak Purity Assessment Results in Advanced Chemometrics and BioHOS


New in Mnova 15.1

New Molecule Match Thresholds

New Molecule Match Thresholds

New in Mnova 15.1

Combine NMR and LC/GC-MS data in the same document


Easily generate EMC/EIC, UV traces and UV spectra


Background Subtraction

Enhanced Peak Picking Algorithm and Blind Regions

Automatic molecule matching for structure confirmation


Predicting isotope clusters for verification of elemental compositions

Latest MSChrom news

Impure thoughts – reflections on the concept and measurement of purity in synthetic organic chemistry

This white paper critically examines the limitations of traditional LCMS-based purity measurements in synthetic chemistry, questioning commonly accepted simplifying assumptions.

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Changelog Mnova 15_1 release

What’s new in Mnova 15.1

We are excited to announce the release of Mnova 15.1, bringing you advanced new features, performance improvements, new product versions, and the usual round of bug fixes to boost your research and enhance your user experience. 

Discover the latest in Mnova – the comprehensive software suite for combined NMR, LC/GC-MS and Electronic & Vibrational Spectroscopic techniques.  


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Top features in Mnova 15.1

Mnova 15.1 is here! We’re excited to introduce a range of powerful features designed to enhance your analytical experience.

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Academic, Government & Industrial

Target Audience

Organic Chemists
Medicinal Chemists
QC Experts
Analytical Chemists

Case Studies


Automated analysis and reporting LC/MS and NMR together for compound registration - A case study

A pharma company implements quality control of their compounds using both NMR and LC/MS before registration. The analysis are generated in each individual format but they must consolidate these analysis.

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