Contact us




  • Mestrelab Research, S.L.U. Avenida de Barcelona 7 – 15706 Santiago de Compostela, SPAIN
  • +34 881 976 775
  • Office Hours: 08.30 to 18.30 CET, Monday to Friday
  • +34 981 941 079

Contacts for USA, Canada, and China teams

      Contact people
    • Dr. Chen Peng

      (San Diego, CA) Cell:+1 (858) 588 7698 Cell: +1 (858) 736 4563

    • Dr. Mark Dixon

      (San Francisco, CA) Cell:+1 (650) 440 0288

Mestrelab authorized

Our Resellers


ADG China

ADG -Alliance Development Group (Authorized Local Operating Partner): Supports Mestrelab’s growth and market presence in China. ADG Mestrelab China website:


Lancen powered by Mestrelab China

Lancen Information Technologya professional informatics company that focus on providing scientific products & solutions as well as lab automation in R&D domain.


Qingdao Tenglong Weibo Technology co.Ltd, founded in 2004, provides high quality products and an excellent technical service.


Scube Scientific Software Solutions is dedicating itself to serving the scientific community by providing powerful, easy-to-use, and affordable scientific software; and is our reseller for the Indian Market.


BK Instruments is our reseller for Korea.


SoftBooks is our authorized reseller for Poland.

Thailand, Vietnam and Philippines

World Tech Enterprise LTD our reseller for Thailand, Vietnam and Philippines

Malaysia and Indonesia

Kinematic Resources Sdn Bhd (KRSB) our reseller for Malaysia and Indonesia