- Mestrelab Research, S.L.U. Avenida de Barcelona 7 – 15706 Santiago de Compostela, SPAIN
- +34 881 976 775
- Office Hours: 08.30 to 18.30 CET, Monday to Friday
- +34 981 941 079
- sales@mestrelab.com
Contacts for USA, Canada, and China teams
- Dr. Chen Peng
(San Diego, CA) Cell:+1 (858) 588 7698 Cell: +1 (858) 736 4563
- Dr. Mark Dixon
(San Francisco, CA) Cell:+1 (650) 440 0288
- Contact people
Mestrelab authorized
Our Resellers

ADG -Alliance Development Group (Authorized Local Operating Partner): Supports Mestrelab’s growth and market presence in China. ADG Mestrelab China website: https://mestrelabcn.com
- 16B, Gateway Plaza 18 Xiaguangli, E. 3rd Ring Rd Beijing, 100027, China
- 400-619-6195-导航按2
- china@mestrelabcn.com

Lancen Information Technology, a professional informatics company that focus on providing scientific products & solutions as well as lab automation in R&D domain.
- Room 513-5, Building 1 No 58 Xiangke Rd, Pudong, Shangai, China
- +86 02161984310
- marketing@lanceninfo.com

Qingdao Tenglong Weibo Technology co.Ltd, founded in 2004, provides high quality products and an excellent technical service.
- STE 18D1, Yingdelong Building 15 Donghai West Road Shinan District, Qingdao, China
- +86 532 8381 8797
- +86 532 8381 8287
- sales@tlwb.com.cn

Scube Scientific Software Solutions is dedicating itself to serving the scientific community by providing powerful, easy-to-use, and affordable scientific software; and is our reseller for the Indian Market.
- 89 Nehru Place, New Delhi 110019 India
- +91 11 41618828/29
- +91 11 41618828
- info@scubeindia.com

BK Instruments is our reseller for Korea.
- BKI Bldg., 281-25, Munji-Ro Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon 34050 Republic of Korea
- +82 (0) 42 487 8240
- +82 (0) 42 488 8241
- marketing@bkinstruments.co.kr

SoftBooks is our authorized reseller for Poland.
- Ul. Pszona 3/69 31-462 Kraków Poland
- +48 12 417 4222
- info@mnova.pl
Thailand, Vietnam and Philippines

World Tech Enterprise LTD our reseller for Thailand, Vietnam and Philippines
- 1168/72 Lumpini Tower, 25/F, Rama IV Road, Kwaeng Thungmahamek, Khet Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 Thailand
- +66 2078 5589
- +66 2078 1689
- sales.wte@worldtechenterprise.com
Malaysia and Indonesia

Kinematic Resources Sdn Bhd (KRSB) our reseller for Malaysia and Indonesia
- Kinamatic Resources Sdn. Bhd. No. 25-3, Jln PJS 5/30, Pusat Dagangan Petaling Jaya Selatan, 46150 PJ, Selangor
- +60 03 7782 1821
- +60 03 7782 1821
- admin@krsb.com.my