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Analysis for the determination of a biologic drug’s higher order structure

Designed for the NMR analysis of biotherapeutics, like monoclonal antibodies. 2D NMR spectra of reference samples are compared with that of each test sample using a fingerprinting, or spectral similarity determination.

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New features

What’s new in Mnova BioHOS 3.0?

  • PLS Regression: Analyze and predict dependent variables with graphical tools.
  • SIMCA Classification: Supervised data classification method.
  • Enhanced PCA Analysis: Quantile Plots (1D NMR), comparison tool, plot labels, improved interactivity, and more distance options.
  • PROFILE Analysis: Export fingerprint spectra and sync plot crosshairs.
  • CCSD Peaks: Auto-detect reference peaks.
  • Data Preparation: Probabilistic Quotient Normalization (PQN) with result visualization.


HOS evaluation of medium to high molecular weight species.

Quality Assessment of Biologic drugs using 2D NMR spectral data.

Includes all the “Advanced Chemometrics” capabilities and 1D Profile, CSSD and ECHOS, PCA, PLS and SIMCA.

Signal processing such as compressed sensing, denoising, data alignment, and 2D cross-peak analysis.

Matrix evaluations of all spectra to compare intra- and inter-class samples.

Full automation capabilities that allow the saving and reuse of analysis methods.



ECHOS Analysis

CCSD Comparison

PCA Analysis

1D Profile

Latest BioHOS news
Webinar - The whole nine yards of Biologics QA using NMR (1)

Mnova BioHOS Webinar – The whole nine yards of Biologics QA using NMR

We had a very exciting webinar about a hot topic in the NMR field, Higher Order Structure (HOS) analysis of biotherapeutic proteins. Dr. Donna Baldisseri (Bruker) described recently developed and optimized acquisition techniques. Dr. Mike Bernstein (Mestrelab) showed how data can be easily processed and analysed with the recently launched Mnova BioHOS plugin

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BioHOS Application Note

Mnova BioHOS – Application note

Therapeutic pharmaceuticals (drugs) have witnessed a sea change in recent years. The large, dominant group of drugs derived from synthetic, small molecules has been joined by a new type of drug that has been very effective with diseases that were previously untreatable.

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