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What’s new in Mnova 14.3.3

We’re introducing Mnova 14.3.3, a recent release that brings a touch of freshness to the table. Just a couple of months after our previous version, this minor update focuses on squashing those pesky bugs and sprinkling in a couple of neat features. With Mnova 14.3.3, we’ve fine-tuned the user experience by addressing typical issues and adding a few enhancements. So, get ready to enjoy a smoother and more refined software experience with this latest update.


Mnova General Suite

  • Upgraded OpenSSL libraries in Mnova from version 1.1 to 1.1.1t


  • Added the ability to save spectra as XY pairs in JCAMP-DX format with the “Packed” compression option

Please contact if you previously reported any bugs that are still unresolved in this version.>

Download Mnova 14.3.3