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J-filter: An experiment to simplify and isolate specific signals in 1H NMR spectra of complex mixtures based on scalar coupling constants



Title: J-filter: An experiment to simplify and isolate specific signals in 1H NMR spectra of complex mixtures based on scalar coupling constants
Authors: Karen V. Góñez, Juan Suárez García, F. Javier Sardina, Yolanda Pazos, Ángela Saá, Manuel Martín−Pastor
Date: 19 September 2023
Reference: Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Volume 61, November 2023, Pages 615-622
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One-dimensional selective NMR experiments relying on a J-filter element are proposed to isolate specific signals in crowded 1H spectral regions. The J-filter allows the edition or filtering of signals in a region of interest of the spectrum by exploiting the specific values of their 1H-1H coupling constants and certain parameters of protons coupled to them that appear in less congested parts of the spectrum (chemical shifts and coupling constants). The new experiments permitted the isolation of specific peaks of phytosterol components in a sample obtained from a liquid nutraceutical recommended for lowering blood cholesterol levels in regions with complete overlap in the 1H spectrum.


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