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Webinar – Solve 3D structural challenges with Mnova StereoFitter

“Introducing Mnova StereoFitter, an integrated workflow for conformational and configurational analysis of small molecules in solution”

Our colleague Dr. Mark Dixon demonstrated a new capability to elucidate 3D structures using a comprehensive set of tools integrated together as a plugin for Mnova NMR.


This webinar demonstrated a new capability for chemists to elucidate the 3D structure of their molecules using a comprehensive set of tools integrated as a plugin for Mnova NMR. It showed how simple it is to use readily available NMR constraints to extract a best-fit from a set of conformers or stereoisomers in a very short amount of time.

What to expect

A demonstration of the software using multiple examples, along with contextual commentary on the benefits to the chemist of such an approach.

Key points

  • Determine 3D structure of molecules in solution.
  • Conformational or configurational analysis.
  • Constraints include NOEs, Js, RDCs, and/or predicted chemical shifts.

Who should attend?

  • Pharma & Biotech researchers who need 3D structural insight into their drug candidates in solution.
  • Educators of undergraduate and postgraduate classes.
  • Academics working with 3D structural problems.