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Fraction Analysis,

Automated evaluation of collected elution fractions

To pool or not to pool? This may be a tricky question when more than one fraction has been collected for your sample during preparative chromatography.

Fraction Analysis will help you answer it quickly by automating the analysis of fractions and suggesting the most appropriate action to take. The tool will evaluate the number and size of peaks present in each fraction, match and assign your target peak, calculate its purity, then score and report the results automatically. After Fraction Analysis, you will be able to quickly review the results dashboard and pass the selected fraction to downstream quality control processes.

Software Solution for Chemical Reaction Optimization

Fraction Analysis


  • Huge time savings on spectral data analysis and preparation of professional-looking reports with the results
  • Reduce the risk of pooling a pure eluate fraction with a poor-quality one
  • Bring insight into the results and decide whether to stick to the suggested action or manually override it
Fraction Analysis


  • Automated data ingestion, processing, analysis, and report generation
  • Powerful scoring based on peak number, size, and target mass purity
  • Flexible analysis options
  • Color coded dashboards and tables with analysis results
  • Automatic, data-driven suggestion for subsequent action (to keep and QC, or dispose of or review the elution fraction)
  • Possibility to override the automatically generated results
  • Summary CSV output with results that can be used as input files for the next-stage analysis
Mnova Gears Fraction Analysis
Latest Fraction Analysis news

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Automating the processing of analytical data for multiple drug discovery applications.

Join us for an insightful session where scientists and IT professionals from AstraZeneca come together to explore the complexities of managing analytical data within a purification lab setting.

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We are excited to introduce our Mnova Purification Suite, meticulously crafted to offer flexible, modular solutions that address the critical aspects of chromatographic purification. Our suite comprises three modules, each tailored to cater to distinct purification needs:

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Managing data workflows in a purification laboratory

In this insightful exchange, we are privileged to have John, a distinguished expert with over 40 years of experience in the scientific and informatics domains, particularly within the pharmaceutical industry.

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Fraction Analysis

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